[ presh-uhnt ]
To Cut And Grind
I’m white, and used for cutting and grinding. When I’m damaged, humans usually remove me or fill me. For most animals I am a useful tool.
[ skant ]
Sneeze You Might Riddle
I’m clean when I’m black,
Dirty when white;
Get too close,
And you might sneeze.
What am I?
Talking Parrot Riddle
A pet shop owner had a parrot with a sign on its cage that said “Parrot repeats everything it hears”. Davey bought the parrot and for two weeks he spoke to it and it didn’t say a word. He returned the parrot but the shopkeeper said he never lied about the parrot.
[ mis-iv ]
Natural Family Riddle
A cloud was my mother, the wind is my father, my son is the cool stream, and my daughter is the fruit of the land. A rainbow is my bed, the earth my final resting place, and I’m the torment of man. Who Am I?
[ sap-id ]