

Part of speech: adjective

  1. full of twists, turns, or bends; winding or convoluted
  2. excessively lengthy or complex, often in a way that is confusing or difficult to follow

Examples of


in a sentence

  • The mountain road was tortuous, making for a challenging drive.
  • The legal proceedings were tortuous and prolonged.

Did you Know?

“Tortuous” derives from the Latin word “tortuosus,” meaning “full of twists” or “winding.” It originally referred to physical features such as roads or rivers with many bends and turns. Over time, the term extended to describe processes or arguments that are similarly convoluted or intricate. Navigating through tortuous terrain—whether literal or metaphorical—requires patience, perseverance, and often, careful planning. Recognizing the tortuous nature of certain paths can help individuals prepare for the challenges ahead and develop strategies for overcoming obstacles.

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