

Part of speech: adjective

  1. relating to or characteristic of rogues, rascals, or adventurers; roguish; episodic in nature

Examples of


in a sentence

  • The novel offers a picaresque journey through the eyes of a cunning and resourceful protagonist.
  • The film depicted the picaresque adventures of a group of misfits on a road trip.

Did you Know?

Picaresque stems from the Spanish word “pícaro,” meaning rogue or rascal. Originating from Spanish literature, the term describes narratives featuring roguish and adventurous characters navigating a series of episodic escapades. Often set against the backdrop of societal critique, picaresque works provide insights into the struggles of marginalized individuals navigating the complexities of their environments. These tales capture the essence of the human condition, exploring themes of survival, resourcefulness, and resilience in the face of adversity. Through their portrayal of antiheroes and outcasts, picaresque narratives challenge societal norms and offer alternative perspectives on morality, justice, and societal structures.

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