

Part of speech: adjective

  1. excessively proud or arrogant; presumptuously confident

Examples of


in a sentence

  • His overweening ambition blinded him to the concerns of others.
  • She was known for her overweening confidence in her abilities.

Did you Know?

“Overweening” finds its roots in Middle English “overwenen,” signifying an excessive certainty or arrogant presumption. Stemming from the fusion of “over,” meaning excessively, and “ween,” denoting to think or suppose, the term emerged in the late 14th century to depict individuals displaying unwarranted self-assurance or presumption. Its lineage extends back to Old English and Germanic languages, where “ween” evolved from Proto-Germanic “*wanojan,” originally meaning “to hope” or “to expect.” Over time, this word accrued negative connotations, highlighting traits of excessive pride or arrogance. Across centuries, “overweening” has retained its essence, encapsulating individuals who exude excessive confidence or presumption, often to the point of being offensive or obnoxious. Its enduring presence in language reflects the evolution of human behaviors and attitudes over time.

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