

Part of speech: noun

  1. excessive talkativeness, especially about trivial matters; loquacity

Examples of


in a sentence

  • His garrulity made him the center of attention at social gatherings.
  • The professor’s lectures were often criticized for their garrulity and lack of focus.

Did you Know?

Garrulity derives from the Latin word garrulus, meaning “talkative” or “chattering.” It refers to a propensity for excessive or continuous talking, particularly about insignificant or trivial subjects. Individuals characterized by garrulity often engage in prolonged conversations without regard for their listeners’ interest or the relevance of the topics discussed. While garrulity can sometimes be entertaining or endearing, it can also be perceived as annoying or tiresome, especially when it disrupts communication or hinders productivity. Recognizing the balance between engaging in conversation and respecting others’ time and attention is essential for effective communication.

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