

Part of speech: adjective

  1. deserted or abandoned, as by the owner or guardian; neglected

Examples of


in a sentence

  • The derelict building had become a haven for squatters and vandals.
  • The derelict ship slowly rusted away in the harbor, forgotten by all.

Did you Know?

“Derelict” originates from the Latin word “derelictus,” which means “abandoned” or “forsaken.” It denotes something that has been deserted or neglected, often implying a state of disrepair or neglect. This term has been applied to various contexts, including abandoned buildings, ships, or land, as well as to individuals who have been neglected or abandoned by society. In legal contexts, “derelict” can refer to property that has been abandoned by its owner, thereby becoming available for others to claim or use. Additionally, “derelict” can describe a person who is negligent in their duties or responsibilities. The concept of “dereliction” underscores themes of abandonment, neglect, and decay, prompting reflection on issues of responsibility, stewardship, and societal care.

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