

Part of speech: noun

  1. a damaging or derogatory remark or criticism; slander; defamation

Examples of


in a sentence

  • The politician resorted to casting aspersions on his opponent’s character in a desperate attempt to win the election.
  • She endured aspersions on her reputation without responding, confident in the truth of her actions.

Did you Know?

“Aspersion” stems from Latin roots, originating from “aspersus,” which means “sprinkled” or “sprayed.” This term typically refers to the act of casting doubt on someone’s character or reputation, often through the spreading of false or damaging accusations. It involves the tarnishing of someone’s honor or integrity by insinuation or defamation. “Aspersion” can also denote the act of disparaging or belittling someone or something, casting a shadow of suspicion or disapproval. This concept prompts contemplation on the dynamics of gossip, slander, and defamation, highlighting the impact of words on perceptions and relationships. It underscores the importance of integrity and honesty in communication, as well as the need for critical discernment in evaluating the veracity of information.

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